How to buy a baby stroller?

For first time parents, it might be intimidating choosing a stroller among the hundreds in the market. There are generally two types of strollers: heavy strollers and lighter strollers. The more durable strollers tend to be heavier, while lighter strollers are good for easy lifting and storage. You can either get multiple strollers for different purposes, or an all-purpose one that will be versatile for various situations. Lightweight shoulders are less expensive, ranging anywhere from 25-300. If you are going to use the stroller daily, opt for a more expensive one that will last.

All-purpose strollers will have a variety of prices. The key things to consider when purchasing a stroller is how long you are going to use it and how often. Jogging strollers tend to be more expensive, starting at $380 and ranging up to 800$. Double strollers start around the same price of 300$. If you are looking to convert your single stroller into a double stroller, consider using an addition seat which is around 150$ depending on the brand.

It’s important to consider the resale value when purchasing a stroller. You could find a great deal to sell the stroller again on Craiglist or Kijiji. Check these websites out to find out how much strollers similar to yours are selling for.

If you are looking at the stroller’s wheels, consider what type of ground you will be walking on. Cheaper, plastic wheels are easy for surfaces that are paved and could be great for short walks. Long areas of cobblestone or harsh surface will require more durable wheels. The most luxurious strollers will have wheels filled with foam and no-flat tires. All-wheel suspension will provide the smoothest glide on a wheel. If your stroller has no suspension at all, the bumps are going to be harsher and could potentially wake up the baby.

City Mini or the ChiccoLitewayis extremely light models, only seventeen pounds. These are great for households that have lots of steps like some apartments, or if you are constantly on the go. Most strollers are typically anywhere from ten to thirty pounds. Stollers that are typically steady enough for everyday life tend to be above fifteen pounds.

Some strollers are designed in the most compact format, which makes it easier for storage in a small closet. For people in urban areas with less room, a compact stroller could be perfect for you. It is helpful to take measurements of your storage space before buying a stroller to help compare with different sizes.

There are some features that can make a stroller stand out. One-hand self-standing folds are great because they need fewer hands to keep them abrupt. Although one-handed folds are common, self-standing strollers are less common but they might it easy for busy parents to take a quick break. A peekaboo window is a window in the stroller canopy that you can open to check on your baby which makes it a little easier to check in on your child. Try to look for magnetic catches on these windows instead of Velcro catches which could wake your baby up. Some strollers will have machine washable seats and flip-flop friendly breaks which are some other added benefits. Adjustable handlebars are great for parents who are extremely short or extremely tall.

Tags: stroller, baby carrier, portable, multi use, lightweight stroller, heavy duty stroller